All posts tagged: heroine addiction

Heroine Addiction: Part One

My name is Adele and I’m addicted to heroines. No, that isn’t a typo, I’ve had a long love affair with literary heroines; they’ve basically taught me everything I know from affairs of the heart, to defying expectations and to, no matter what, remaining true to yourself (even if this occasionally bites you in the ass!). I’ve been an avid reader since I was a tot, but my heroine addiction didn’t start until years later… I can pinpoint the exact beginning of my literary love affair to 1995, when my mother let me stay up past my bedtime on a Sunday night to watch, yep, you guessed it, Pride and Prejudice. It turned out that this six-part TV series would go on to define not only Colin Firth’s life and career but also my own. From the opening credits I was completely hooked. And it wasn’t just dreamy Colin Firth and his sopping wet shirt (one moment, mmmmm); I was enamoured with Elizabeth Bennett! To little nine-year-old me, she was and remains awe-inspiring: strong, eloquent, …